Our history

Our history


Bradford Council, Better Start Bradford, and the Bradford District and City CCG started to lay foundations for the development of a district wide strategy by bringing together wider partners to consider the developing work on Adverse Childhood Experiences. To enable this to happen, and to share good practice and exchange knowledge, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Hub was established.


Health Needs Assessment (HNA); This HNA explored the health needs of children and young people who have encountered adverse childhood experiences in Bradford from a life course perspective. The gap analysis, which identified existing resources and areas along with national evidence suggests that unaddressed Adverse Childhood Experiences are one of the biggest threats to public health.


The Adversity, Trauma and Resilience (ATR) Programme was developed and prioritised, including the appointment of an ATR Programme Lead for the district residing in Public Health.


Launch of the Bradford District ATR strategy provided a framework for the district’s vision on prevention and mitigation of Adverse Childhood Experiences. This includes buffering the impact of adversity and trauma, intervening early and developing services that are building resilience against long term harm of adversity and trauma, particularly supporting those with multiple and complex vulnerabilities.